BC Conservative Leader John Rustad Criticizes Premier Eby for Failing to Protect Jewish Community Amid Rising Threats


John Rustad, Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia, has issued a strong condemnation of Premier David Eby and the BC NDP, accusing them of failing to adequately protect the Jewish community amid a surge in antisemitic threats and incidents. Rustad’s criticism follows a series of bomb threats targeting over 100 Jewish institutions nationwide, including several in British Columbia, as well as a recent attack involving an incendiary device at a Vancouver synagogue.

Rustad expressed deep concern over what he described as the BC government’s inadequate response to these escalating dangers. “These threats represent a disturbing rise in antisemitism, and the BC NDP’s inaction is deeply troubling,” said Rustad. “The attack on a Vancouver synagogue and the wave of bomb threats across the country are clear indicators that the Jewish community is at risk. Yet, David Eby’s administration seems both unprepared and indifferent to these threats.”

Rustad also referenced recent comments made by BC NDP MLA Selina Robinson, who has openly discussed issues of antisemitism within the Premier’s Office. “When even members of the BC NDP are voicing concerns about antisemitism within their own government, it’s evident that this administration is failing in its duty to protect all British Columbians,” Rustad added.

The BC Conservative leader emphasized his party’s commitment to tackling antisemitism directly and ensuring that all communities feel secure. Rustad called on the provincial government to take immediate action by enhancing security measures, supporting law enforcement, and addressing the serious concerns raised within its own ranks regarding antisemitism.


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